Few sermons are given on clothing, yet the fact that it is among the most unsustainable industry sectors has implications for everyone who buys and wears clothes.
Join our partners Green Christian on Wednesday 3rd May, 7pm, for a workshop with Tim Cooper: Emeritus Professor of Sustainable Design and Consumption at Nottingham Trent University.
Tim will explore the evidence that the clothing industry is unsustainable and consider the ethical decisions and uncertainties that Christians face. Is bamboo really more sustainable than cotton? Should we focus more on increasing the life span of garments or their recyclability? Is fashion rooted in pride? Can Christians justify buying new items when second-hand stores are overflowing?
Tim Cooper is internationally recognised for his research on the life-span of consumer durables and has led several research projects on sustainable clothing funded by Defra and WRAP. Tim is a Trustee of Green Christian. He was a co-founder of the organisation, served as its first National Co-ordinator, and is a past Chairman of its Board.
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