Green Christian exists to share Green insights with Christians and to offer Christian insights to the wider Green movement.
Since Green Christian’s formation in 1981, the ecological crisis has continued and deepened. Members of Green Christian seek more urgently to live gently on the earth, encouraging one another in a form of discipleship which accepts our impact on God’s creation as a whole.
This includes: daily prayer, a simpler lifestyle, public witness, peaceful campaigning, encouragement to one another and the provision of resources, including a magazine, groups, retreats and conferences.
Find out more: greenchristian.org.uk
Stories featuring Green Christian

Join The Big One: massive climate protest from April 21st
The protest hopes to gather 100,000 people outside Parliament, to convey to the government the reality of people's concerns around climate justice.
Mar 28 2023

Building Back Greener: The Green Christian Conference
Green Christian’s annual conference 'Building Back Greener', which took place in Birmingham on 7-8 October, explored the need for a new approach to economics.
Nov 10 2022

Green Christian is embracing the current age as an ecological Passiontide
The Chair of Green Christian explains the organisation's approach in the current age.
Aug 15 2020