Tag: transfer
To Illumine the Mind: the Catholic diaspora in Paris
In Paris, Martin Coffey leads a church overflowing with working class immigrants. The picture of religion in France, he tells us, is not what you think.
Mar 01 2024
Dust to Dust: Passionist Life in Haiti
In Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Fr Rick Frechette has been the cornerstone of a Passionist community all giving their lives for the beleaguered nation.
Oct 31 2023
Bodies on the Line: A Clarion for Christians
An exclusive extract from Rev'd Sue Parfitt's new book on Christians, Civil Resistance and the Climate Crisis - out soon via Lab/ora Press.
Jul 26 2023
Experiences of Passionist prayer, pt. 3: Joanne Crompton
How do we pray? What role does prayer take in our lives? We asked three people pursuing a Passionist spirituality how their sense of prayer has changed over time.
Jul 05 2023
We read the gospel as if we had no money (an extract from ‘Sabbath Economics’)
Ched Myers' beloved collection of essays grappling with justice, scarcity, and the economics of enough is back in print via our friends at Lab/ora Press.
Jul 03 2023
Experiences of Passionist prayer, pt. 2: Bishop William Kenney
How do we pray? What role does prayer take in our lives? We asked three people pursuing a Passionist spirituality how their sense of prayer has changed over time.
Jun 24 2023
Experiences of Passionist prayer, pt. 1: Michael O’Halloran
How do we pray? What role does prayer take in our lives? We asked three people pursuing a Passionist spirituality how their sense of prayer has changed over time.
Jun 18 2023
Refugee Christians are searching for the community seen in Acts. Where is it?
I knew mass wasn't what Ahmed was looking for. He was looking for the incarnate day-to-day-expression of the Eucharist. He was looking for Christian community.
May 31 2023
Grappling with our questions about the cross (from ‘Why the Cross?’)
An extract from Don Senior CP's 'Why the Cross? Understanding the Shape of the Christian Life': diving into the many questions that the cross presents, even for sincere believers.
May 25 2023
Practising prayerful presence, in Finsbury Park: an interview with Br Johannes Maertens
For London Catholic Worker, Henrietta Cullinan interviews Br Johannes Maertens about his practise of pastoral ministry, meeting people in Finsbury Park.
May 22 2023
Blessed are (all) those who are persecuted in the cause of right
Are there limits to solidarity, when there is honest disagreement on tactics or principle? Fr Martin Newell suggests we should err on the side of supporting one another.
Apr 25 2023
Change Everything: Why Reformed are transforming lives for prison leavers
Kemi and Natasha Ryan are the epitome of the DIY start-up. Their organisation, Reformed, is a ground-up, first-hand mentoring service working with prison leavers, helping them to find a path back to work and a fuller life.
Apr 10 2023
Life as a volunteer in Maria Skobtsova House, Calais
Two women, Jenna and Clara, share their recent experience as volunteers with our partners, Catholic Worker Calais.
Mar 28 2023
Is our faith ready for the end of ‘growth’ and the post-progress era?
Passionist priest Fr Martin Newell offers a wake-up call to the 'signs of the times': that the age of mind-boggling material growth is over. As people of faith in particular, are we ready? How will we approach the challenges to come?
Feb 24 2023