John Thornhill

The Crucifixion of Place: A View from the City of Culture
The destruction of old St Michael's, Coventry, was understood to be more than just the loss of bricks and stones—but something more symbolic.
Apr 05 2022

Holy Saturday: Christ’s Descent into Hell
Holy Saturday: that gap between Cross and Resurrection has been imagined in Christian Traditions as that time when Jesus goes down into Hell to free the souls of all those whom he loves, to lead them to light and life.
Apr 11 2020

Catholics for Aids Prevention and Support: the last pastoral frontline
Ageing and long-term effects are emerging as issues for the HIV positive community. CAPS are the last remaining charity responding to pastoral and spiritual needs.
Feb 23 2020

Exploring art, spirituality and suffering at Minsteracres
Community of the Passion members Lya Vollering and John Thornhill co-ordinated a small exhibition of art exploring the themes of 'Love and Suffering'.
Feb 16 2020