Maria Skobtsova House, in the heart of Calais, offers sanctuary and hospitality to vulnerable refugees, in the spirit of Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker Movement, and Maria Skobtsova, ‘Saint Mary of Paris’.
The guests are amongst the most vulnerable from within the Calais refugee community, a particular welcome being offered currently to women and women with children. Guests and volunteers live together in community.
Find out more: refugeehousecalais.org
Stories featuring Catholic Worker Calais

Refugee Christians are searching for the community seen in Acts. Where is it?
I knew mass wasn't what Ahmed was looking for. He was looking for the incarnate day-to-day-expression of the Eucharist. He was looking for Christian community.
May 31 2023

Life as a volunteer in Maria Skobtsova House, Calais
Two women, Jenna and Clara, share their recent experience as volunteers with our partners, Catholic Worker Calais.
Mar 28 2023

…and Counting: Life inside the Calais refugee camp
Life in the Calais 'Jungle' so easily lapses into counting: days, weeks, years.
Nov 10 2022

This is Where You Wait: Stories from Calais
For vulnerable refugees in Calais, there is an abundance of waiting to be done. Yet despite the frustrations and the suffering involved, the refugee communities abound with youth, elegance and laughter.
Mar 31 2022

Refugees in Calais share their dreams around the fire
Alex Holmes, from our Partners at Catholic Worker Calais, listens to the dreams of refugees waiting in the Calais camp.
Oct 07 2021

Calais refugee life is filled with the power of words
Alex Holmes, from our Partners at Catholic Worker Calais, shares snapshots of Calais refugee life.
Mar 02 2021

An Interview with Brother Johannes Maertens, monk and missionary
A dive into Brother Johannes' work in Calais, and with refugees in London today.
Feb 09 2020