Martin Newell

Blessed are (all) those who are persecuted in the cause of right
Are there limits to solidarity, when there is honest disagreement on tactics or principle? Fr Martin Newell suggests we should err on the side of supporting one another.
Apr 25 2023

Is our faith ready for the end of ‘growth’ and the post-progress era?
Passionist priest Fr Martin Newell offers a wake-up call to the 'signs of the times': that the age of mind-boggling material growth is over. As people of faith in particular, are we ready? How will we approach the challenges to come?
Feb 24 2023

We need to see, and understand, a God who suffers with us
In the face of life's evil and suffering, it is only possible to believe in a loving God, if that God is ‘on the scaffold’ too, alongside us.
Apr 02 2021

Being and suffering with others helps us to understand the love of God
Standing at the foot of the cross may seem fruitless, but it is important, and significant. To speak this way is to speak of a deep unity, a deep communion, with others.
Mar 10 2021

For Passionists here in England, Black Lives Matter
"As I reflect on who we are and have been as Passionists here in England, I feel sure that for us this statement is deeply real."
Aug 28 2020

The Life of St Paul of the Cross
Who was Paul Francis Danei, and how did he become the founder of the Passionists?
Aug 04 2020

Non-violent resistance as a Passionist principle
How are non-violence and pacifism, and specifically the non-violent love of the Cross, 'good news' for those on the margins of society?
Jul 21 2020

Remembering the life of Fr. John Sherrington CP
A long time ago, someone said that to understand John Sherrington, you always have to remember that he was an artist first.
Feb 20 2020

Recommended Reading: ‘Binding the Strongman’, Ched Myers
Martin Newell reflects on one of his key inspirations for seeing the ministry of Jesus through the perspective of non-violent activism.
Mar 21 2019

A Brief History of the Passionists, from St Paul of the Cross to Today
From their origins, known as 'The Poor of Jesus', up to today, Passionists have followed a semi-monastic life centred around the revelation of God's love.
Feb 14 2019

Climate & The Passion of the Earth
We are crucifying God's earth, creating ongoing climate change that will cause disasters that, to make a massive understatement, would completely undermine any practical good work otherwise done. But we can still repent.
Jan 14 2019

We are called to stand up for what we believe in – at a personal cost
Reflections on the 'daily martyrdom' of averting evil
Nov 01 2018