Tag: reflection
Stations of the Cross in Palestine
In Passionist spirituality, the Stations of the Cross are a journey transcending time: repeating in everyday suffering, especially now in Gaza.
Jan 25 2024
A parable to remind us that resistance matters, even in mundane things
Paul McGowan, from our friends at Pax Christi, re-examines the well-trodden 'Parable of the Talents'. What is this is not a lesson about 'gifts', but a story about collaboration and resistance?
Dec 01 2023
Experiences of Passionist prayer, pt. 3: Joanne Crompton
How do we pray? What role does prayer take in our lives? We asked three people pursuing a Passionist spirituality how their sense of prayer has changed over time.
Jul 05 2023
Experiences of Passionist prayer, pt. 1: Michael O’Halloran
How do we pray? What role does prayer take in our lives? We asked three people pursuing a Passionist spirituality how their sense of prayer has changed over time.
Jun 18 2023
Grappling with our questions about the cross (from ‘Why the Cross?’)
An extract from Don Senior CP's 'Why the Cross? Understanding the Shape of the Christian Life': diving into the many questions that the cross presents, even for sincere believers.
May 25 2023
Is our faith ready for the end of ‘growth’ and the post-progress era?
Passionist priest Fr Martin Newell offers a wake-up call to the 'signs of the times': that the age of mind-boggling material growth is over. As people of faith in particular, are we ready? How will we approach the challenges to come?
Feb 24 2023
What does it mean to imagine our way outside of our 'own little world', as Pope Francis put it?
Nov 11 2022
Aisling Griffin, from Pax Christi, searches for the spark that gives us hope, while still acknowledging the challenges we face.
Nov 11 2022
Synodality: The Art of Conversation
Community of the Passion's Steve Atherton shares his experience of the Liverpool synod, and the process of valuable, real conversation about faith.
Apr 05 2022
The Crucifixion of Place: A View from the City of Culture
The destruction of old St Michael's, Coventry, was understood to be more than just the loss of bricks and stones—but something more symbolic.
Apr 05 2022
We can all help empower and affirm those on a dementia journey
This Dementia Action Week, please do what you can to reach out to those in your community who may be affected by a dementia-type illness.
May 10 2021
We need to see, and understand, a God who suffers with us
In the face of life's evil and suffering, it is only possible to believe in a loving God, if that God is ‘on the scaffold’ too, alongside us.
Apr 02 2021
Will we give up our certainty and comfort to meet God among the suffering?
Humanity is waiting for those who will find their lives - and find God - by leaving institutions behind and joining the powerless.
Mar 12 2021
Being and suffering with others helps us to understand the love of God
Standing at the foot of the cross may seem fruitless, but it is important, and significant. To speak this way is to speak of a deep unity, a deep communion, with others.
Mar 10 2021