Common Era: Changed by the Margins (S1 Episode 05)
Pope Francis would be one of the influential Catholic voices in recent years reiterating the need to step outside our known world, and reframe it through the eyes of those on the margins of society. It’s an idea that lies at the heart of the Passionist movement. Nicholas Postlethwaite from the Passionists, and post-evangelical poet David Benjamin Blower talk about the places they’ve lived – and while admittedly speaking from their own experience, they discuss their attempts to adopt a new narrative, where they themselves are not at the centre. They talk about how that’s changed them, as well as discussing the politics involved in self-awareness, privilege and ideology.
Common Era: Spirituality in an Age of Change is a new short-run podcast series from Passionists. Find out more at
You can also listen to the audio-only version on Anchor or Spotify.

Common Era: The Justice at the Heart of God (S2 Episode 06)
In the final episode of this season, we return to an ongoing theme: what does a just society really look like, and how can we get there?
Apr 06 2022

Common Era: Does Punishment Even Work? (S2 Episode 05)
If the prison system we've created is ultimately a failure, what kind of approach could take its place?
Mar 31 2022

Common Era: A Church That Gives Up Power (S2 Episode 04)
We should expect the church to go further in its action against racism; will we give up comfort and power to address the sins of the past?
Mar 23 2022