Fr Martin Newell: Solidarity with the crucified of today
Fr Martin Newell talks about his background in the Catholic Worker movement, his commitment to solidarity with the ‘crucified of today’ and what daily life looks like in Austin Smith house in Birmingham living with six asylum seekers.

Common Era: Funeral Rites (S1 Episode 07)
Episode 7 of our podcast series. What is coming to an end at this time? How can we hold healthy funerals, and become good stewards of change?
Aug 23 2021

Common Era: Pressures of Past and Future (S1 Episode 06)
Episode 6 of our podcast series. What does it feel like to be on the threshold of change - to be living at significant moments in time?
Aug 09 2021

Common Era: Changed by the Margins (S1 Episode 05)
Episode 5 of our podcast series. How do we step outside our known world, and see it anew through the eyes of those on the margins of society?
Aug 02 2021