Passio Issue #7 – Lent 2021
Speaking as Passionists, we know that we are crucifying God’s creation. But then, resurrection is always possible.
Published May 28 2021
Calais refugee life is filled with the power of words
From slogans written on tents, to smuggled Bibles, to the camp cat’s nickname: Calais refugee life is filled with the power of words.
Our Partners at Catholic Worker Calais share snapshots of life in the camp.
Alex Holmes, from our Partners at Catholic Worker Calais, shares snapshots of Calais refugee life.

How I founded the first daily online Catholic news service in the UK
Jo Siedlecka, from our Passionist partners Independent Catholic News, explains how the popular news site came to be, and where it could be going next.
May 26 2021

Hidden in the criminal justice system is the uncomfortable truth that no-one is ‘good’ or ‘bad’
From the outside, criminal justice stories divide the world into 'good' and 'bad'. But inside, we must constantly consider the mystery of the whole person.
Mar 23 2021
Will we give up our certainty and comfort to meet God among the suffering?
Humanity is waiting for those who will find their lives - and find God - by leaving institutions behind and joining the powerless.

Anxiety makes us grasp for control – but that can’t be the answer
Who could be blamed for struggling with anxiety in the current moment? But clutching at control doesn't allow much space for God.
Feb 16 2021

As Fr Ignatius Spencer is declared ‘venerable’, his life remains an inspiration and challenge
Why is the canonisation of Ignatius Spencer important? His life, and dedication to the poor, are an outstanding example to all of us.
Feb 23 2021