Life as a Passionist
What does Passionist life look like in England and Wales? Explore articles and videos to give you a picture.
Being active witnesses to God’s love and passion
The Congregation of the Passion is a Religious Order of men in the Catholic Church with mission to “keep alive the memory of the Passion of Jesus Christ”. The heart of the Passion of Jesus is God’s passionate love for all people and all creation, so we find many ways to speak of and witness to this Love and Passion.
We witness to this Love in our daily work with and on behalf of the crucified of today: those who are poor, oppressed and suffering in many ways: hosting refugees and asylum seekers: through community involvement, presence and advocacy in areas of social deprivation: through helping those in anguish of mind and heart: through campaigning for justice, peace and creation on behalf of the Crucified People and the Crucified Earth: through hospital and prison chaplaincy: through pastoral care in retreat houses, parishes and schools.

Speaking and preaching is a significant part of our life and work. We do this in many different ways and places: We are invited to speak to groups in the church and in the wider community. We speak to justice and peace groups, priests and religious, students and others. We share our message through writing and publishing, on paper and on the web. We speak and preach at retreats and in parishes. Some of us take part in public vigils and protests, and are interviewed for magazines, newspapers, websites, radio or television.

Searching for a new monasticism
St Paul of the Cross saw the sign of the Cross on the forehead of the poor. In recent years, our Province has sought to move beyond traditional church based ministries, to seek out a deeper solidarity with the poor, powerless and ‘crucified’ of today. This new way of reaching out has been deepened particularly in inner city contexts, areas of social deprivation, and ‘sites of suffering’. It is in such contexts that, like Mary our Mother, we have been able to ‘stand at the foot of the cross’, contemplate the continuing crucifixion of Christ in our sisters and brothers and the earth, and act in the confident hope of Resurrection.
Do you feel God is calling you to a vocation to Religious Life, to life in an intentional community of prayer and action? Why not find out more about joining us?
Videos on Passionist Life
Interviews and documentaries about Passionist life in England and Wales

Fr Martin Newell: Solidarity with the crucified of today
Fr Martin Newell talks about his background in the Catholic Worker movement, his commitment to solidarity with the 'crucified of today' and what daily life looks like in Austin Smith house in Birmingham living with six asylum seekers.

The Anti-Apartheid Movement and John Sherrington CP
A documentary originally aired on Channel 4. In the 1980’s, a Passionist played a key but secret role in the anti-apartheid movement.

Fr Nicholas Postlethwaite: What being a Passionist means to me
"We should be evangelised by those who have very little." Fr Nicholas reveals what being a Passionist means to him, and especially the influence that Fr Austin Smith had on him.

Austin Smith House, a House of Hospitality for destitute asylum seekers
In this interview from 2015, Fr Martin Newell and Fr John Kearns discuss how they set up Austin Smith House in Sparkhill, Birmingham

Non-Violent Stations of the Cross
Catholic Workers demonstrate the non-violent love of Jesus through demonstrating the Stations of the Cross in London, including Passionist Fr Martin Newell cp.

Blessed Dominic and the Growth of the Passionist Order in England
A documentary about the role of Blessed Dominic and the growth of the Passionist order in England, and of the Passionist monastery in Sutton, St Helen's.
Other Passionist Communities
Sisters of the Cross and Passion
The corporate mission of the Sisters of the Cross and Passion is to witness to the reconciling, forgiving and compassionate love of God through openness to the needs of the world and especially those of the poor and marginalised.
Identifying with Christ in His Passion, Death and Resurrection, they aspire to a more just and compassionate world where the rights and dignity of the whole of creation are upheld and respected.
Together with the Community of the Passion, the Congregation of the Passion, and the Passionist Partners, the Cross and Passion Sisters along with their associates make up the wider Passionist family in the UK. For more information, see the Cross and Passion Sisters website.
Passionist Contemplative Nuns
Mother Regina Cappelletti and Mother Monica Curran are two contemplative Passionist nuns in England. Recently they moved into a new convent, built within the grounds of Minsteracres. The new convent was blessed on 9th July 2017 by Bishop Seamus Cunningham: the feast day of Our Lady of Holy Hope. The convent offers space for private prayer and solitude during the day.
The nuns belong to a branch of the Passionist family which goes back to the 18th century. The founder of the Passionists, St. Paul of the Cross, felt that a contemplative community of women would enhance the apostolic and pastoral ministry of the Passionists, keeping vigil at the foot of the Cross with Our Lady of Sorrows. The first community was established in the 1770s, and Passionist Nuns have been in England for 55 years.
Mothers Regina and Monica say:
“Coming to Minsteracres has really been a journey home, reminding us that we are part of this large and varied Passionist family, which we pray for every day. Please come and see our beautiful chapel the next time you visit Minsteracres.”
Passionist Core Beliefs
Passionists in England and Wales see the Crucified God in the crucified people of this age, and the crucified Earth. Find out more about what this means, theologically and practically.
Passionist Spirituality
At the heart of Passionist spirituality is contemplation of the Passion – the suffering, and the cross – of Jesus Christ. Our spirituality is simple but very deep indeed.