The Way of the Cross
We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you,
because we are inspired and energised by the memory of Your Passion,
and so we take action with the Crucified of today.
We share in the joys and sorrows of our brothers and sisters who are marginalised,
and so we announce the Gospel of the Passion of Jesus the Christ.
May the Passion
of Our Lord Jesus Christ
And the sorrows of Mary our Mother
Be always in our hearts.
Everything in Heaven and on Earth
and under the earth
Must bend the knee before the name of Jesus,
And every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
Dwelling in the presence of God the Father.
Prayer to Blessed Dominic Barberi of the Mother of God, Passionist, Apostle of England
O God who so lovingly raised Blessed Dominic to the heights of holiness, learning and apostolic zeal and made him a powerful minister of your mercy; grant also to us an abundant share of his virtues, that we too, according to our state, may contribute to the realisation of his desire for the union of all Christians in one fold under one shepherd. Deign now, through his intercession, to grant us the particular grace which we humbly ask of your mercy.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be…
(three times)
– Rome 12.viii.1963 Nihil Obstat
Prayer of Ignatius Spencer
Pioneer of ecumenical prayer, Fr Ignatius Spencer was born the Hon. George Spencer on 21st December 1799, the youngest son of the second Earl Spencer. Educated at Eton and Cambridge, he took orders in the Church of England but increasing doubts led him to become a Catholic. He was ordained priest in 1832. In 1846 he joined the Passionists (taking the name Fr lgnatius) and travelled all over England, Ireland and the continent of Europe, preaching and seeking prayers for England. He died on 11th October 1864 and is buried in the Passionist Church at Sutton, St Helens.
Father in heaven, your servant. Father Ignatius Spencer, spent his life preaching the love shown for us in the Sacred Passion of your Son and working tirelessly to bring the people of this country to know that love. Help us to follow his example and show us that you are well pleased with his life by granting the favour we now ask through his intercersion. Amen.
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