Short articles on some key Passionist ideas and principles.

The Passionists are a Catholic Religious Order, as well as a worldwide family who dedicate themselves to Passionist principles.

The Life of St Paul of the Cross
Who was Paul Francis Danei, and how did he become the founder of the Passionists?

Who was Father Ignatius Spencer, and why is he important to the Passionist movement in England?

Who was Dominic Barberi, and how did he come to found the Passionists movement in England?
Life as a Passionist
What does Passionist life look like in England and Wales? Explore articles and videos to give you a picture.
Passionist Core Beliefs
Passionists in England and Wales see the Crucified God in the crucified people of this age, and the crucified Earth. Find out more about what this means, theologically and practically.
Passionist Spirituality
At the heart of Passionist spirituality is contemplation of the Passion – the suffering, and the cross – of Jesus Christ. Our spirituality is simple but very deep indeed.