Paschal Somers

Anxiety makes us grasp for control – but that can’t be the answer
Who could be blamed for struggling with anxiety in the current moment? But clutching at control doesn't allow much space for God.
Feb 16 2021

Becoming aware of the goodness around us
At times it seems we are pre-disposed to focus on faults in the world, rather than all the goodness that is there.
Jan 06 2021

A Church of Proximity: Learning to give, and share, to serve others
A response to empty shelves, and the human proclivity to panic buy and hoard at the expense of others.
Apr 08 2020

The Prophet Jeremiah reminds us about the deceitfulness of the human heart (17:9), the rupture of that original connection which facilitates humanity’s capacity for endless self-rejection.
Apr 08 2020

The Real Face of Jesus? Passionists Exhibit at Flame
Approximately 9,000 young Catholics converged on Wembley’s SSE Arena for the annual ‘Flame’ youth event, the theme of which this year was ‘Significance’.
Mar 15 2019

Peace House & Carriers of Hope: Walking with the Crucified
Powerful work 'welcoming the stranger' by two organisations in Coventry.
Nov 08 2018